Tea Time.

It's the week after Christmas.

After a month of parties

with endless binging of all things... bad,

I. Am. Feeling. It. 

In hopes of redeeming my innards 

before the damage is compounded

with New Year's festivities around the corner,

I'm swapping pie for tea 

These days I'm sipping...

Marks & Spencer Tea

This trio is a staple in our cupboards,

but I'm really loving the Detox this week

in my efforts to ... purge.

Description: A cleansing green tea with a rich peppermint undertones.


£2.29 per box

Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical

The first tea that I loved...

and I promise you will, too! 

Description: A crisp green tea that trades typical muskiness for light, fruity notes.


$7.96 per box

Tazo Orange Tea & Passion Tea

Both of these teas are fantastic hot- but I also love them on ice.

Each of them have such unique flavors.

It's a great way to switch out for something new.

Description: Fruity flavors set the tones for these, and their bright colors will liven your breakfast table.


$9.90 per box