My Notting Hill | Daylesford Organic

Daylesford Organic

is another repeat offender

that frequents my instagrams.

It's literally a 2 minute walk from my house

and it's such a great place to meet up with friends,

as it offers great food

for pretty much every time of the day.

Plus, the coffee isn't any more expensive

than I would pay at Starbucks,

so it's perfect for a quick catch up.

The food, that's grown & raised, on their

organic farm

in Gloucestershire,

is another story.

It's pricey,

but it's healthy

and the quality is hard to beat.

You get what you pay for.

And what you're paying for

is freaking delicious.

I love their pearl barley risotto,

their raw slaw salad,

and most every one of their quiches.

Also, their bakewell tart

is what made first love bakewell tarts.

It marries almonds, cake & jam

together just right...

And if you're fancy

and like almond, soy, etc

in your coffee....

they've got you covered.

Oh, and of course-

there's a cute market

to bring home any jams, juices, farm fresh eggs

or high quality cuts of meat

that you may so desire.


Daylesford Organic

to your Notting Hill bucket list.

And who knows, 

you might see a celeb or two

while you're there. :)

Daylesford Organic

208-211 Westbourne Grove

Notting Hill W11 2RH


Take a peek at my other favorite places

to go & eat in Notting Hill


*all images original to Aspiring Kennedy