Monday Moods: I feel... scared.

No, but seriously.

I am feeling a little jumpy.

After an eery tour of London's East End...
also known as "White Chapel"
to trace the tale of Jack the Ripper,
I'm sleeping with one eye open.

I mean, 
I may not be a prostitute like all of Jack's victims
{regardless of what impression you may get from my affinity to leopard print}...

RipperVision... Portrayed images at the scene of the crimes!

and it's pretty much settled that the unknown killer is dead 130 years later...

But still.

It was creepy!

We took this Jack the Ripper tour
for £8 per person.

Our guide, Amy, was really animated
and kept the whole group interested for the whole tour....
though, man, that story gets VERY gruesome. 

It took about 1.5 hours 
and showed us some really quirky parts of London
we had never visited.

If this looks familiar, Harry Potter's Diagon Alley was partially filmed here.

While it may have given me the heebie-jeebies,
it also felt like the perfect way to celebrate Halloween in London.

Tonight, I'm hosting a party...
my costume is yet to be determined.

What are your plans?
(And any easy costume ideas you can send my way?)

*all photos original to Aspiring Kennedy